Me producing some Flash animations.

Scott Jund @ScottProductions2002

Age 35, Male


Florida State University

Tallahassee, Florida

Joined on 11/7/02

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840 / 900
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nice ;)

yea, i'm a fan of your work, and yes, you shuold keep the thought cam, it was funny as hell.BTW, you should be able to tortue him with ticles, nails, bad music(emocore) and kill him with an sniper, an atomic bomb, an spaceship falling on the head, zombies eating him alive, ya know, that kind of stuff

The thought cam should DEFINITELY still be in there
its the only communication between you and he character.
You should put a lot of thoughts in there too I think, as many as you can.
It's a great concept, a shame not to se it

yes... needed

Make the player cut of limbs of the victum and make sure he is still alive >=D

You should makeit a torture option that goes two way. You know a button like "Insanity" where a sound becomes unbearable in his head and drives him to try to kill himself.
I recommend shackles too and rusty knives. Maybe a meathook or a crowbar or a needle and thread sewing his body parts up, rope in general would be nice. So many tortures have this valuable commodity.

i would like to see a function for him wanting to kill himself but the innabilaty to actually do it p.s. put him next to a hot chick but take of his testicles

botox injecton, hang, shoot his dick off, chinese water torture, the list goes on...

I'm surprised I haven't thought of the Water torture...It has so many possible combinations...water shooting down at 100 MPH with high gravity, Frozen shards slicing the victim with low temperature.

I'm using it. :)

Oh! Oh! Make it so that you can fire radioactive particles at him! After a while, these particles will cause mutations. Disfiguring, excrutiatingly painful mutations! HAHAHAHA! Oh, and I want to be able to drown him. That is all. Oh, and keep the thought cam.

Tickle to death, Britney Spears driving into him with her baby, tank comes and run him over.

i always thought it was slightly boring, no real way to lose, only to win..

I completely understand that, hell I even agree with you. I'm trying to make it possible to not neccessarily "lose" but not do as well.

For example, in the "Firing Squad" finisher, there is a God-of-War esque series of buttons to hit at the time they appear for additional damage / pain. While you can't really lose, you can always do better so the challenge remains.

And interactive way, like being able to snipe him in the leg, head, arm, body, anywhere.

Or being forced into a hole filled with snakes.

just awful.

figured a nazi would enjoy a torture game

the tought cam was good, i sujjest this time you use screaming like when hes burniong up have him screaming to god lol, also you should efintly add more torture methods like slowly ripping the flesh off his bones, or like slowly slicing his head off :P (im sick,you could make a list of all the sick methods i can think of) anyway, the thought cam could get more sounds and thats about it from me.

I think the gun (if you put it back in) should have area effects, i.e., shot in the knee is more panful, shot to the head does more damage, that sort of thing. Oh, and thought cam should stay

leave the cam but fix its glitches like use it once and it doesnt work again

Killed by Yogi bear. SNACK ATTACK!

The more options, the better with this game. I suggest being able to poison him, release animals into the cage, kill other people in front of him, deprive him of oxygen, spray caustic substances on him, remove parts of his body, gouge his eyes out, give him diseases, and change the temperature in a small area so that you could light his hand on fire without causing him to burn up.

It would be a good idea if he says witty remarks or other type of smart ass comment instead of something boring (example " I'm in pain" ).

Thank lord us Mac users can use EVERY feature now, I -THINK-.
Anyways, I love the series. Keep the mind reader for sure. I think the mind reader gun should have bullets that destroy the mind, or something.

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